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Image shows a close up of the hand of wedding accessory designer Heidi of Glorious by Heidi, as she sketches out a design on her iPad for bespoke wedding accessory client


From design sketch to finished wedding and bridal hair accessories - this is how my bespoke design service works.

Image shows an actual design sketch from wedding accessory designer Heidi of Glorious by Heidi. The design is for a gold bridal crown featuring gold leaves, gold branches, citrine crystals and gold bees.
Image shows a laughing bride wearing an yellow and ivory silk wedding dress and clutching a large bouquet of yellow flowers, seed heads and dried grasses. The bride has short blonde hair and wears a bespoke gold crown designed for her by British wedding accessory designer Glorious by Heidi

Bespoke Wedding And Hair Accessory Design Service

When you can't find a wedding or bridal hair accessory that accurately reflects who you are in the traditional bridal boutique settings then you might be wondering about how a bespoke wedding and bridal hair accessory design service would work for you.


If you're tired of having stylists plonk cookie cutter, machine made, sometimes hard and uncomfortable hair accessories in your hair to accessorise your dream wedding day look. If you have an idea in your head of how you'd like to accessorise your wedding day hair style but don't know who can bring that idea to reality. If you know you want more than a few pearl hair pins, or a sprig of gypsofila, to allow you to express your creative soul on your wedding day, then I'm here for you!


The beauty of bespoke wedding accessories is that the things that bring you joy and fill you with confidence can be incorporated into a unique, handcrafted hair accessory design and worn on your wedding day to elevate your look.


With thirteen years of wedding accessory design experience under my belt I know how to uncover what makes your heart sing when it comes to your personal style, and between the two of us we will create a bespoke wedding or bridal hair accessory that truly makes your heart sing and will set your wedding day look alight!!!


Love the outdoors and nature? Let's get those influences reflected in your bridal hair accessory! Art Deco float your boat? Let's incorporate that styling into your wedding headpiece! Are you a full on glamour queen when you head on out for a night of cocktails and partying? Then we'll look at creating you a modern glam wedding headpiece that brings your style and identity fully into your wedding day look!




Image shows wedding accessory designer Heidi, of Glorious by Heidi, in a consultation setting in her Cheshire studio. She is talking to a female client who is sat in front of her, and placing a Glorious by Heidi crown into the client's hair as she speaks.

So, how does the bespoke wedding and bridal hair accessory process work?



  • You contact me to arrange a wedding or bridal hair accessory consultation - we can do this through a face to face appointment at my Cheshire studio or via a video consultation. 


  • There's no charge for having a consultation with me, and we will work within your stated budget to create that perfect bridal hair accessory. It's worth taking a peek at the wedding accessories already listed on my website to give you an idea of pricing.





  • During your consultation we'll discuss your wedding day style. We'll look at the detail on your wedding dress, we'll talk about how you plan to wear your hair and if you'll be wearing a veil. I'll show you relevant wedding and bridal hair accessories and talk to you about how these might work to create a wedding day look that makes you light up inside!​


  • I'll sketch out a proposed wedding accessory based on our discussions allows you to visualise your finished look - occasionally if we agree a customisation of one of my existing wedding accessory designs we will skip the design sketch phase and move straight to agreeing and creating your Glorious design.


  • Due to the personalised and time intensive nature of designing a bespoke bridal accessory for you I can only commit to taking orders for around sixteen bespoke wedding accessory designs per year, so if you're ready to rock a Glorious bespoke wedding accessory don't hang around, click the link below and let's start that conversation today!


Heidi  💋



Real brides rocking their bespoke Glorious by Heidi wedding and bridal hair accessories

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